Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How it all began.

    How it all began.

    My journey with Ulcerative Colitis started in June/July 2016. My first symptoms were bloating and a general feeling that something wasn’t right. That was quickly followed by blood in my stool. I tried to ignore it and thought it would go away. A month of trying to hid it, I went to a GP. I…

  • World mental health day: I thought everyone felt like this. Apparently not.

    World mental health day: I thought everyone felt like this. Apparently not.

    Two months ago I started Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). My gynaecologist suggested it – she actually recommended sex therapy but after we discussed it, I wanted to start with general therapy first. I contacted my GP and they referred me to a mental health service for anxiety and depression in my area. The doctor said,…

  • I’m not on this earth to be a baby-making-machine.

    I’m not on this earth to be a baby-making-machine.

    I always knew I wanted to get married, have a house (with the housing market at its current rate, that won’t be until I’m old and wrinkly but a girl can dream to a cupboard under the stairs) and do well in my career. I always knew I wanted to go to university and live…

  • Instagram my body isn’t dangerous, so stop branding it as violent.

    Instagram my body isn’t dangerous, so stop branding it as violent.

    A few days a ago Instagram took down one of my posts for being against community guidelines. They branded it as “violent and dangerous”. The video was an explanation of my stoma – it showed my bagless body and my naked stoma and this is what they (or someone who reported me) deemed unacceptable for…

  • Hello 2022: New Year, Probably Same Me And Very Happy With That.

    Hello 2022: New Year, Probably Same Me And Very Happy With That.

    Five years ago on the 6 January 2017, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and four years ago on the 2 January 2018, I had my colon removed. Every year these dates are two huge milestones in my life. Not only did they transform who I am, but they’ve taught me a lot. Here’s a…

  • World Contraception Day: No, it’s not “just a woman’s problem.”

    World Contraception Day: No, it’s not “just a woman’s problem.”

    992 million people use contraception around the world and almost 300 million of them are dissatisfied with the contraceptive they are on.  As a society we have developed more iPhones in a shorter space of time than we have contraception.  The pill – the one most of our doctors ‘recommended’ when we were 15 –…

  • Turning Trauma Into a Career.

    Turning Trauma Into a Career.

    “Crohn’s and Colitis are serious conditions which aren’t taken seriously. They cost the NHS as much as cancer and heart disease per patient, and can be just as devastating, but they lag behind in the recognition and support needed to improve lives. Unacceptably high levels of emergency care and delays to diagnosis, investigations, and surgery,…

  • Interview with Dr Natalie Getreu from Hertility Health.

    Interview with Dr Natalie Getreu from Hertility Health.

    I interviewed Dr Natalie Getreu, Co- Founder and COO of Hertility Health on all things reproductive health. She talks about the taboo fertility faces and its link to gut health, the possible implications of IBD and stoma surgery on reproductive health. As many as 1 in 7 of us experience infertility, so why are we…

  • Interview with Alex From OneNine5

    Interview with Alex From OneNine5

    Alex is the founder of ethical travel case company OneNine5.  This is the first time he is talking about his journey with Crohn’s Disease.   You can find a little treat and links/instagram pages at the bottom of this interview! When were you diagnosed with Crohn’s? It was 2003, I was 14 years old and…

  • My Thank You To The NHS.

    My Thank You To The NHS.

    Throughout the summer of 2020, up and down the U.K. Brits stood on front door steps or hung out of windows, raising the alarm through cheers and whoops, car horns and clapping, in honour of those on the frontline working tirelessly to save lives in the first few months of this pandemic. A weekly occurrence…

  • Interview with Isabella Beresford

    Interview with Isabella Beresford

    Isabella Beresford is 26 and lives in the South West of England. She teaches meditation and runs a female empowerment clothing brand called, Indigo Lily; using her platform to share important messages on the female form. I interviewed her about the impact of meditation, women’s bodies and female empowerment.  How and why did you turn…

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